Speaking Engagements
Creation Education Resources provides speakers to churches, civic groups, schools, and school groups. Richard Overman, CER President, is the primary speaker. He has been a creation speaker since 1992 and has spoken to numerous churches, schools, home schools, and other groups. He has a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, a master's degree in Science Education from the Institute for Creation Research, and a MDiv from The Conservative Theological University. He is very qualified to speak in any setting.

Educational Research
To better understand the issues and needs of the educational community and to lay theoretical foundations for teaching origins, CER engages in various research projects. One project is a study that CER performed with the Institute for Creation Research. The project studied the beliefs of science teachers to see if there was a relationship between their creation/evolution beliefs and their moral views. CER is continuing to research these issues, as well as other educational issues.
Also available is the RESEARCH ASSISTANCE DATABASE that is the most comprehensive database of creationist abstracts: popular and technical.

Educational Support
CER supports various types of educational groups such as public schools, private, and homeschool groups. We offer teachers' workshops, research support, and in-classroom presentations. It also provides classes for homeschool groups on science and origins, as well as participating in homeschool fairs and expos. We also offer Creation Zoo Tours (upon request), and an Annual Spring Fossil Trip to Central Florida! Click on the Contact Us link to ask for more information on special events!

Workshops & Seminars
While Richard is giving a seminar, Ginger Overman often provides a children's workshop for grades 1-6. Seminars and workshops range in time and cover the following topics: The age of the earth, worldwide flood, the fossil record, cavemen, the eruption of Mount St. Helens, races of people, dinosaurs, and why creation is important.
If you would like to book our services, please click here to go to the contact page.