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Home Sweet Home

Writer's picture: Wayne AngersWayne Angers

Perhaps you've heard or read before that there are multiple millions/billions of stars and planets out there. Surely, we cannot be so self-centered as to think that we are the only intelligent life in this universe! We're told that it is just the odds. We will look at these odds, as well as the underlying evolutionary dogma that drives the argument.

In recent years, a popular catch phrase we hear, is that "we must look for planets that are similar to earth" to find life. We are told that these planets must be in the "goldilocks", or habitable zone. In light of this, a newly created field of study called exobiology has been created. The dash to find these exoplanets has been moving forward in earnest for roughly 25 years since the first one was discovered.

There are at least 20 unique features about our earth and solar system that make it perfectly fit for life as we know it on earth. In the interest of time and space, we will only be looking at 4 of these features. However, from a strictly odds perspective, as we calculate the odds of ANY planet having all 20+ features, we begin to realize that the 'multiple millions/billions' figure mentioned above is actually minuscule by comparison. It seems difficult to find one that even seems to have 2-3 of these illusive features.

The primary search is for planets that rotate around their star and are not too close to their star to avoid being too hot, and not too far from their star to avoid being too cold. But, is this the only factor? It turns out, there are many other factors, and strangely enough, they are ALL present only in planet earth--HOME. Although perplexing for Evolutionists, for Bible believers, this is exactly what we would expect to see!

Glowing a dark magenta, the newly discovered exoplanet GJ 504b weighs in with about four times Jupiter's mass, making it the lowest-mass planet ever directly imaged around a star like the sun. Credit: NASA/Goddard/S. Wiessinger Using infrared data from the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii

Another vitally important factor is whether the star is variable or stable. It turns out that all of the planets discovered so far have variable stars. Also, it seems that any star which is even close to stable is quite a rare find. What does that mean?  In the same way that being too close or too far can lead to too hot or too cold, a variable star releases heat/radiation in varying degrees. Meaning that the temperature swings can vary greatly and greatly limit, or erase the likelihood that life could survive. This is a huge factor that we're seldom told about.

Our solar system features eight planets, seen in this artist’s diagram. This representation is intentionally fanciful, as the planets are depicted far closer together than they really are. Credit NASA/JPL

Conversely, our sun is stable. It is interesting to note that God's Word never calls our sun a star. It has some characteristics similar to stars, but also has some unique differences. One is that it has much less lithium than most stars. The exact importance of this is not known at this time, but it is a unique feature. Also, it is very close to perfectly stable, which, as mentioned, places it among the most unique of the 'heavenly bodies'.

Another vital ingredient of our 'ideal' planet, must be the right amount of mass. For example, our moon is the right distance, but it has too little mass--resulting in too little gravity. Water cannot exist in the vacuum of space. But, if a planet has too much mass like Jupiter, it retains the wrong kind of atmosphere which is poisonous. So, the right mass is a hugely important factor.

Furthermore, it must have the right composition. Back to our example of the moon, even if it had sufficient mass, it would STILL not support life. It lacks many of the necessary elements found on earth, such as iron.

The example mentioned below, seems to typify what is only confirmed long after the initial discoveries splash across the headlines! In 2010, astronomers announced that they had discovered Gliese 581g orbiting in the "goldilocks" zone of the star Gliese 581. Here are some of the life threatening problems that were not mentioned in the news coverage:

1. An unstable orbit: The elliptical orbit takes it too far and too close to the star causing great variations in temperature.

2. The lack of rotation: Its closeness to this faint star, and the likelihood of a synchronous rotation would lead to one side perpetually very hot and the other side would be perpetually frozen.

3. Variable brightness (Varying radiation): This is a variable star. This can be devastating for life, and as mentioned above, it is an important factor that must be considered.

Is it possible that God could have created life elsewhere? He most certainly could, but there is a more important question. The question is, did He? The earth has many more very unique features. God made the earth specially to be inhabited by His creation (Genesis 1; Isaiah 45:18). If God made life on other planets, it brings up complex questions about the Fall and the Curse. Romans 8:22 makes it clear that the entire cosmos suffers from the effect of the Fall and the Curse. So, would Adam's sin spread death to other planets? Do other sentient beings have souls, and if so, are they in need of salvation? Since evolution demands that the right conditions will certainly always lead to life--eventually, it is easy to see why finding this life on other planets is so important for many secular scientists.

For Christ followers, it is thrilling to know that a brief review of the two "great lights" -- the sun and the moon, all declare loudly the Creator's perfect provision for life on earth. Psalms. 19:1 "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork." (King James Version)

For more information, see "There's No Place Like Home" in Answers Magazine Vol.9 No. 1 by Dr. Danny Faulkner,


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